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Epidote Rough Stone .5-1 inch

Epidote Rough Stone .5-1 inch

Regular price $2.22 USD
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Epidote is an amazingly powerful heart healer. This is one you use when you are REALLY ready to do the healing work for yourself. Be aware, that Epidote mirrors/amplifies your energy, so you WILL know where you're at energetically.

You will receive one rough Epidote, your choice. 

All of my crystals come cleansed and charged for the recipient. They are packaged with an information card and a sage leaf or two to keep them from picking up anything on their journey. I do cleanse them with sage before shipping, so don't be surprised if the scent lingers ;)


Epidote is a very powerful stone that is known to affect people in different ways. If you are of a positive mindset, the results will be beneficial. If you are of a more negative mindset, the results will not be what you expect. This stone amplifies your vibration, so if you are working on your spiritual growth, this will aid you to attune to spirit, enhancing your awareness of various aspects of yourself. It assists in revealing to you the mindset/ideals that you need to change for your highest good. This stone is a catalyst for change, and once you have clarified your ideals, it will aid you in manifesting your dreams into reality. This stone helps you to learn that if you raise your vibration, you can completely change your reality through your thoughts and actions. 

Enhances the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. It increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, bringing spiritual growth. This is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking patterns, as it infuses a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Assists in clearing energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies, stabilizing the energy flow in the body.

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