Collection: Prehnite

Prehnite connects the heart with the will by its vibration within the solar plexus, it assists you to live life from a heart-based perspective. It helps to support personal discipline and encourages the heart to surrender to the Divine will. This connection helps to restore your trust in the universe. It can also help to bring you into harmony with nature and the elemental forces. Known as a stone of prophecy, it enhances precognition, visualization, and inner knowledge. It is said to induce deep meditation, facilitate dream recall, and alleviate nightmares, deep fears, and phobias. Highly protective as well, it seals the auric field, stopping energy vampires and psychic attacks. Also aids one in decluttering one's life of unwanted possessions and helping one to reorganize what one keeps. 

It is also used to calm the environment and to bring peace and protection. Its calming energy is said to be beneficial for hyperactive children.